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consumer decision making

CDM is an academic competition held in conjunction with major livestock shows in which teams compete together, and individually,  to solve a series of consumer shopping problems.  The competition requires analytical and critical reasoning skills, mathematics, and poise under pressure.  In the Intermediate and Senior categories, the competition requires persuasive speaking skills, making it a great compliment to a public speaking project.


The 4-H CDM Contest can help you practice making decisions by matching your knowledge, skills, and abilities against those of others. You will learn to rank items based on standards and quality. 


CDM is divided into three age divisions:

  • Beginner: Ages 8-9 before September 1 of the current 4-H year (or may choose to participate in the junior division)

  • Junior: Ages 10-13 (age 10 before September 1 and up to age 13 as of December 31 of the current 4-H year)

  • Senior: Ages 14-18 (as of December 31 of the current 4-H year)

Every day you make decisions, such as what you are going to eat, what you are going to wear, or what to buy. Consumer Decision Making teaches you how to make decisions based on information that you have learned and studied and on facts that you have collected. It can also help you learn to defend your decisions.

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